
1. n рекламирование, реклама

advertising media such as newspapers and television — такие средства рекламы, как газеты и телевидение

vertical cooperative advertising — кооперированная реклама

vertical advertising — реклама при вертикальной кооперации

general advertising — реклама в общенациональном масштабе

point-of-purchase advertising — реклама на месте продажи

advertising loophole — лазейка для проникновения рекламы

2. n публикация объявлений

keyed advertising — закодированное рекламное объявление

advertising paper — газета с рекламой и объявлениями

advertising for creditors — объявление о кредиторах

teaser advertising — броское рекламное объявление

advertising rate — тариф на публикацию рекламы

3. n оплаченное объявление; рекламный анонс

advertising panel — рекламный щит

advertising film — рекламный фильм

advertising firm — рекламная фирма

advertising market — рекламный рынок

advertising break — рекламная вставка

4. n рекламное дело

he is in advertising — он работает в рекламном агентстве

advertising cost — рекламные издержки

advertising filmlet — рекламный ролик

advertising slogan — рекламный лозунг

advertising booklet — рекламный буклет

code of advertising — рекламный кодекс

Синонимический ряд:
1. marketing (noun) announcing; creating advertisements; marketing; plugging; posting; proclaiming; promoting
2. promotion (noun) advertisement; broadcasting; buildup; fanfare; notice; press-agentry; promotion; propaganda; publicity; puffery; pushing
3. declaring (verb) advertising; announcing; annunciating; blazing; blazing abroad; blazoning; broadcasting; bruiting; bruiting about; declaring; disseminating; noising; proclaiming; promulgating; publishing; sounding; tooting; vending
4. promoting (verb) advertising; boosting; build up; building up; crying; enhancing; plugging; promoting; publicising; publicizing; puffing; pushing; talk up; touting

English-Russian base dictionary . 2014.

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Смотреть что такое "advertising" в других словарях:

  • advertising — ad‧ver‧tis‧ing [ˈædvətaɪzɪŋ ǁ ər ] noun [uncountable] MARKETING telling people publicly about a product or service in order to persuade them to buy it: • Most organizations underestimate the benefits of advertising. • Television advertising… …   Financial and business terms

  • advertising — in the broadest sense of making goods publicly known developed as early as commodity exchange took shape in human society. In China, as elsewhere, the earliest medium of advertising was oral and even musical. The Book of Odes recorded an entry in …   Encyclopedia of Contemporary Chinese Culture

  • advertising —    Advertising in Spain is part of the international advertising scene, with the top twenty agencies being owned, with very few exceptions, wholly or in part by multinational groups. Most of these groups became established by acquiring or… …   Encyclopedia of contemporary Spanish culture

  • advertising — n. 1. a communication publicly promoting some product or service. Syn: ad, advertisement, advert [WordNet 1.5] 2. 1 the business of advertising; the activity engaged in by professional publicists for pay. Syn: advertizing, publicizing, the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • advertising — (angl.) [pron. advertáĭzing] s.n. Trimis de gall, 02.08.2006. Sursa: DOOM 2  ADVERTISING s.n. Acţiunea de a atrage atenţia persoanelor (asupra unui produs etc.) prin intermediul reclamelor. [pr.: édvărtaiziη] (engl. advertising < advertise =… …   Dicționar Român

  • advertising — index promotion (encouragement), publicity Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 advertising …   Law dictionary

  • Advertising — Advertising,das:⇨Werbung(1) …   Das Wörterbuch der Synonyme

  • advertising — (Brit.) ad·ver·tis·ing || ædvÉ™taizɪŋ n. act or activity of marketing and promotion; promoting, drawing attention to (generally in order to sell goods or services); act of publicly announcing (also advertizing) advertise (Brit.)… …   English contemporary dictionary

  • advertising — /adverˈtaizin(g), ingl. ˈædvəˌtaɪzɪŋ/ [da to advertise «fare pubblicità»] s. m. inv. pubblicità …   Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione

  • advertising — advertising, language of In a study of the use of language to influence and persuade people, the American scholar Dwight Bolinger (Language, the Loaded Weapon, 1980) describes several techniques which advertisers share with other persuaders in… …   Modern English usage

  • advertising — [n] public notice of sale; notices to increase consumer desire announcement, announcing, ballyhoo*, billing, blasting*, broadcasting, buildup, displaying, exhibiting, exhibition, exposition, hard sell, hoopla*, hype*, pitch, plug, posting, PR,… …   New thesaurus

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